Key Bindings
Not all of the below bindings are supported. It’s a reference
General Navigation
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Open File | Ctrl+O | Cmd+O |
Save File | Ctrl+S | Cmd+S |
Close File/Tab | Ctrl+W | Cmd+W |
Close All Files/Tabs | Ctrl+K W | Cmd+Option+W |
Switch Between Tabs | Ctrl+Tab | Cmd+Option+Right-Arrow/Left- Arrow |
Go to File | Ctrl+P | Cmd+P |
Go to Line | Ctrl+G | Cmd+L |
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Cmd+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Y | Cmd+Shift+Z |
Cut | Ctrl+X | Cmd+X |
Copy | Ctrl+C | Cmd+C |
Paste | Ctrl+V | Cmd+V |
Select All | Ctrl+A | Cmd+A |
Find | Ctrl+F | Cmd+F |
Replace | Ctrl+H | Cmd+Option+F |
Code Navigation and Refactoring
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Go to Definition/Declaration | F12 or Ctrl+Click | Cmd+Click |
Find References | Shift+F12 | Cmd+Shift+F12 |
Rename Symbol | F2 | Cmd+Option+R |
Jump to Next Error/Warning | F8 | Cmd+Option+F8 |
Jump to Previous Error/Warning | Shift+F8 | Cmd+Option+Shift+F8 |
Code Formatting | Ctrl+Shift+F | Cmd+Option+L |
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Start Debugging | F5 | Cmd+Shift+D |
Stop Debugging | Shift+F5 | Cmd+Shift+F5 |
Step Over | F10 | Cmd+Option+F10 |
Step Into | F11 | Cmd+Option+F11 |
Step Out | Shift+F11 | Cmd+Shift+Option+F11 |
Search and Replace
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Global Search | Ctrl+Shift+F | Cmd+Shift+F |
Global Replace | Ctrl+Shift+H | Cmd+Shift+H |
Git Integration
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Commit Changes | Ctrl+Enter | Cmd+Enter |
View Git Log | Ctrl+Shift+G | Cmd+Shift+G |
Terminal/Command Palette
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Open Terminal | Ctrl + ` | Cmd + ` |
Open Command Palette | Ctrl+Shift+P | Cmd+Shift+P |
Project Management
Command | Windows/Linux | macOS |
Toggle Sidebar | Ctrl+B | Cmd+B |
Show/Hide Explorer | Ctrl+Shift+E | Cmd+Shift+E |